Eating for your particular body's requirements is vital.  One size does not fit all as your unique body will need a special formula to achieve true health and vitality . There is no such thing as a healthy food but rather what is nutritious for your body type.  Discover your essential top foods using  the world's most advanced Epigenetics platform. This system will help you understand what foods are best for your body right now, because your nutritional needs change constantly depending on seasons and what is happening in your body.

Did you know that for some people even Broccoli isn't appropriate to include in their diet, this is applicable to people with thyroid disorders. For others consuming red wine can cause allergic reactions so despite it being a good choice for some, for others it can be harmful.


Even when and how often we should eat is dictated by the individual's needs. Some need to eat often but others should have larger gaps between meals due to their long digestive tract. The old saying eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper is far from accurate for some body types.

To discover what your unique body needs get in touch today.







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