HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training is a very popular way to train. Less is more when it comes to training and exercise programs. Spending hours in the gym won't necessarily get you faster or better results and, in fact, could impede your progress and leave you injured.
Best results come from HIIT for resistance or cardiovascular training.
Opt for 10-15 minutes of total exercise time. You'll burn many more calories in total than doing long duration low intensity training. High intensity training will be much more time efficient, which let’s face it, is a very common excuse for not exercising. You'll notice improved results, feel energised and burn calories faster for the rest of the day.
Sample HIIT: perform jumping jacks for 30 seconds and rest for 30-45 seconds and repeat 10 times.
Our tips:
- Avoid over training. Too much time exercising can leave you feeling fatigued, prone to injury and reaching a training plateau. We have all seen those people in the gym that are there every day of the week and don't look any different. Don't fall into that trap.
- Aim to get one rest day from exercise every week.
- Always allow 48 hours recovery between resistance training sessions.
- Hydrate adequately by drinking enough water during and after your workout.
- Don't perform HIIT if you have injuries.
- Remember to warm up first
- Stretch after every workout.
- Exercise smart. If you are not sure where to begin consult with a qualified personal trainer.
Please note that some bodies are not suited to HIIT training. Personalised Health can help you determine the right exercise for your body.